
The announcement in September 2018 of Bioscience Los Angeles County – or BioscienceLA – sent a strong, visible signal that Los Angeles is committed to becoming a major player in the life sciences industry. The decision to launch an independent innovation catalyst organization was inspired by the nationwide experiences of successful innovation hubs, input from regional life sciences stakeholders, and independent assessments of the region’s strengths and weaknesses. 

Our Mission

BioscienceLA’s mission is to ensure that Los Angeles has a collaborative, well-coalesced ecosystem that encompasses all aspects of the Southern California life sciences cluster – biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical diagnostics, bioinformatics, healthcare IT, medtech, digital health, and more.

BioscienceLA is not designed to duplicate existing activities or organizations but to help harmonize the efforts of all regional stakeholders -- academic institutions, research hospitals, investors, startups, mature companies, trade associations, public and quasi-public agencies, and others -- to advance Los Angeles’ capacity and pace of innovation.

Government, industry, and philanthropic sector representatives endorse the potential of Los Angeles to become a major west coast life sciences innovation hub.